Community Groups
are the place where our values of Gospel, Community and Mission
find practical expression in the lives of our people.

Being a part of Redeemer is like being part of a family, and every good family has members that see serving the other members of the family as integral to their lives. At Redeemer we believe that serving (be it on Sunday or any other day) is not an add-on to our Christianity, but a key expression of our Christianity.
Each Sunday a number of people come together to execute our worship service and if you have been attending Redeemer for a while, it is a good idea to start serving in some capacity since in serving you not only get to know others in the church, but you submit to time where God can shape you through your service.
There are many areas where you can serve; from greeting people to being a part of our children’s ministry team, worship team, sound and streaming teams, etc. If you are looking to get involved, fill out the form below and indicate where you are wanting to serve and we will connect with you about next steps.